LEAGUE LEADERS + PLAYOFFS                                      7/13/12

S.M. 12 Spring Men's D-3


  Goon Squad               9    2    0  .818   -   bye 
  Money Shots              8    3    0  .727   1   bye 
  Green Street Elite       8    3    0  .727   1   bye 
  Johnnie Walking          8    5    0  .615   2   lost 11-12 Panthers    
  Panthers                 8    5    0  .615   2   won  12-11 Johnnie Wlk 
  The Expendables          6    5    0  .545   3   bye 
  Black and Orange         5    5    0  .500   3.5 bye 
  Bash Brothers            4    6    0  .400   4.5 bye 
  Renegades                4    6    0  .400   4.5 bye 
  Stable Isotopes          3    7    0  .300   5.5 bye 
  Rough Riderz             1    9    0  .100   7.5 bye 
  Team Cuelbra             1    9    0  .100   7.5 bye 

  TEAM BATTING          AVG   AB    H    R   2B   3B   HR   BB  SF RBI   SLG
  Green Street Elite   .530  434  230  185   39   15   16   34  11 159  .800
  Money Shots          .525  402  211  184   62   22   14   42   5 154  .893
  Goon Squad           .477  421  201  169   34   17    4   24   4 126  .667
  The Expendables      .444  363  161  127   23    8    6   39   5 107  .601
  Renegades            .440  348  153  122   23   10    4   42   6 100  .598
  Rough Riderz         .439  303  133   94   16   19    6   25   5  85  .677
  Johnnie Walking      .437  499  218  172   24   15    4   30  17 143  .569
  Stable Isotopes      .431  334  144   93   16    5    6   18   3  82  .563
  Panthers             .425  478  203  172   27   14    5   59   9 137  .571
  Black and Orange     .422  360  152  113   32   14    1   23   2  92  .597
  Bash Brothers        .407  312  127  107   21    5    2   36   9  90  .526
  Team Cuelbra         .398  347  138   91   22    8    1   22   6  84  .516


        NAME                AVG  AB   H    TEAM                  NAME            AVG  AB   H    TEAM 

    1 Coleman, Mike        .929  28  26  Green Str       11 Leary, Nate         .634  41  26  Green Str   
    2 Minton, John         .727  33  24  Johnnie Wlk     12 Tardel, Amit        .618  34  21  Rough Riderz
    3 Killough, Mike       .686  35  24  Renegades       13 Olazabal, Joel      .610  41  25  Goon Squad  
    4 Eisner, Mischa       .675  40  27  Money Shots     14 Tejo, Dom           .609  23  14  Money Shots 
    5 Robinson, Dennis     .673  52  35  Panthers        15 Tuaka, Dave         .594  32  19  Goon Squad  
    6 Tejo, Dario          .667  39  26  Money Shots     16 Cuenca, Jesus       .586  29  17  Panthers    
    7 Smith, Joey          .667  36  24  Black and O     17 Rin, Brian          .585  53  31  Panthers    
    8 Lapiz, Alex          .667  36  24  Green Str       18 Sanchez, Nick       .583  24  14  Money Shots 
    9 Montalvo, Johnny     .655  29  19  Bash Bros       19 Karbarz, Mark       .583  24  14  Stable Iso  
   10 Rivera, Ivan         .644  45  29  Green Str       20 St.Clair, Kraig     .576  33  19  Renegades   

         HOME RUNS                    TRIPLES                     DOUBLES

   Tejo, Dario         5  Money Shots     Minton, John        7  Johnnie Wlk     Young, Brian       10  Black and O 
   Lapiz, Alex         5  Green Str       Robinson, Dennis    6  Panthers        Robinson, Dennis    8  Panthers    
   Coleman, Mike       4  Green Str       Tardel, Amit        6  Rough Riderz    Patton, Karl        8  Money Shots 
   Rivera, Ivan        3  Green Str       Smith, Joey         5  Black and O     Tejo, Dario         8  Money Shots 
   Patton, Karl        3  Money Shots     Killough, Mike      5  Renegades       Bariera, Jeff       8  Money Shots 
   Eisner, Mischa      3  Money Shots     Olazabal, Joel      4  Goon Squad      Coleman, Mike       7  Green Str   
   Rhein, Tony         3  Johnnie Wlk     Eisner, Mischa      3  Money Shots     Sanchez, Nick       7  Money Shots 
   Rin, Brian          2  Panthers        Young, Brian        3  Black and O     Rivera, Ivan        6  Green Str   
   Robinson, Dennis    2  Panthers        Lapiz, Alex         3  Green Str       Cruz, Paul          6  Green Str   
   Robbins, Matt       2  Green Str       Esposto, Dom        3  Black and O     Eisner, Mischa      6  Money Shots 
   Killough, Mike      2  Renegades       Trayler, Eric       3  Panthers        Wong, Danny         6  Green Str   
   Ramirez, Achtin     2  Expendables     D'Olivo, Mike       3  Money Shots     Dudley, Dominic     6  Goon Squad  
   St.Clair, Kraig     2  Renegades       Coleman, Mike       3  Green Str       Tunic, Deniz        6  Expendables 
   Paras, Ben          2  Money Shots     Sanchez, Nick       3  Money Shots                                      
   Quadra, Rich        2  Expendables     Paras, Ben          3  Money Shots                                      

           WALKS                    RUNS SCORED                   RBIS

   Austin, Alan       13  Panthers        Tejo, Dario        29  Money Shots     Minton, John       29  Johnnie Wlk 
   Rveda, Steve       10  Panthers        Robinson, Dennis   26  Panthers        Coleman, Mike      28  Green Str   
   Bariera, Jeff      10  Money Shots     Cruz, Paul         26  Green Str       Robinson, Dennis   27  Panthers    
   Conteras, Ish       9  Green Str       Rin, Brian         25  Panthers        Rivera, Ivan       26  Green Str   
   Fontanilla, Ian     9  Bash Bros       Rivera, Ivan       25  Green Str       Tejo, Dario        23  Money Shots 
   Shankar, Jerry      8  Rough Riderz    Patton, Karl       22  Money Shots     Patton, Karl       22  Money Shots 
   Cruz, Paul          7  Green Str       Eisner, Mischa     21  Money Shots     Lapiz, Alex        21  Green Str   
   Tejo, Dario         7  Money Shots     Bariera, Jeff      21  Money Shots     Eisner, Mischa     20  Money Shots 
   Guitierrez, Cesar   7  Money Shots     Smith, Joey        19  Black and O     Killough, Mike     20  Renegades   
   Soto, Bobby         7  Renegades       Minton, John       19  Johnnie Wlk     Rhein, Tony        19  Johnnie Wlk 
                                          Coleman, Mike      19  Green Str