LEAGUE LEADERS + PLAYOFFS                                      10/25/11

SM 11' Sum Corp Coed AL


  Eastbound & Down        11    1    0  .917   -   lost  9-16 Dutty       
  Dutty                   10    2    0  .833   1   won  16- 9 Eastbound   
  Field of Screams         8    3    0  .727   2.5 bye 
  Gilead Sciences          6    4    1  .600   4   bye 
  Been Had Bats            5    5    0  .500   5   bye 
  Electric Boogaloo        3    7    0  .300   7   bye 
  The Danger Zone          3    7    0  .300   7   bye 
  Plane Awesome            2    7    1  .222   7.5 bye 
  Zs Associates            2    8    0  .200   8   bye 
  Wreckers                 2    8    0  .200   8   bye 

  TEAM BATTING          AVG   AB    H    R   2B   3B   HR   BB  SF RBI   SLG
  Dutty                .567  471  267  240   45   12   22   25   7 210  .854
  Eastbound & Down     .551  459  253  209   44    7   15   37   3 192  .776
  Gilead Sciences      .520  333  173  140   25    5    2   29   7 117  .643
  Been Had Bats        .511  366  187  155   35   11    7   34   8 130  .724
  Field of Screams     .495  370  183  145   31    7    9   31   8 126  .689
  Plane Awesome        .464  319  148  119   20    8    6   28   4  88  .633
  Electric Boogaloo    .439  310  136   95   15    3    1   15   1  77  .516
  Wreckers             .429  282  121   90    9    6    4   28   1  73  .546
  Zs Associates        .424  290  123   94   16    5    2   27   3  78  .534
  The Danger Zone      .405  311  126   87   20    8    9   11   3  68  .608


        NAME                AVG  AB   H    TEAM                  NAME            AVG  AB   H    TEAM 

    1 Jauregi, Francisco   .825  40  33  Dutty           11 Zalbidea, Iker      .676  37  25  Dutty       
    2 Minton, John         .811  37  30  Screams         12 Corral, Rafael      .667  33  22  Boogaloo    
    3 Appel, Dan           .806  31  25  Screams         13 Uribe, Daniel       .667  30  20  Gilead      
    4 Korweit, Alex        .792  24  19  Awesome         14 Pon, Scott          .667  27  18  Eastbound   
    5 Gorski, Michael      .762  21  16  Danger Zone     15 Dhillan, Hardeep    .667  27  18  Danger Zone 
    6 Cirelli, Steven      .750  28  21  Eastbound       16 Merchant, Suhai     .667  21  14  Zs Assoc.   
    7 Detort, Karl         .741  27  20  Dutty           17 Pon, Samantha       .649  37  24  Eastbound   
    8 Reed, Nate           .727  22  16  Been Had        18 Fernandez, Victor   .643  28  18  Wreckers    
    9 Roberts, Ben         .724  29  21  Gilead          19 Jameson, CJ         .636  22  14  Zs Assoc.   
   10 Demetris, Brett      .722  36  26  Dutty           20 Costa, Robert       .633  30  19  Boogaloo    

         HOME RUNS                    TRIPLES                     DOUBLES

   Gorski, Michael     6  Danger Zone     Jauregi, Francisco  4  Dutty           Minton, John        9  Screams     
   Jauregi, Francisco  5  Dutty           Fish, Berenger      4  Awesome         Buhs, Travis        8  Dutty       
   Minton, John        5  Screams         Buhr, John          3  Been Had        Appel, Dan          7  Screams     
   Demetris, Brett     5  Dutty           Dhillan, Hardeep    3  Danger Zone     Reed, Nate          7  Been Had    
   Jauregi, Fernando   5  Dutty           Gorski, Michael     3  Danger Zone     Cirelli, Vanessa    6  Eastbound   
   Buhs, Travis        4  Dutty           Frenzel, Misty      2  Been Had        Daskam, Scott       6  Been Had    
   Hellado, Brian      3  Eastbound       Zalbidea, Iker      2  Dutty           Gordon, Andrew      6  Danger Zone 
   Buhr, John          2  Been Had        Pon, Samantha       2  Eastbound       Pon, Scott          6  Eastbound   
   Daskam, Scott       2  Been Had        Minton, John        2  Screams         Dhillan, Hardeep    6  Danger Zone 
   Reedy, Tim          2  Eastbound       Drocha, Deanna      2  Been Had        Jauregi, Francisco  5  Dutty       
   Fish, Berenger      2  Awesome         Daskam, Scott       2  Been Had        Barden, Kendall     5  Eastbound   
   Gordon, Andrew      2  Danger Zone     Salinas, Jeff       2  Been Had        Demetris, Brett     5  Dutty       
   Salinas, Jeff       2  Been Had        Crawford, Craig     2  Screams         Buhr, John          5  Been Had    
   Crawford, Craig     2  Screams         Fernandez, Victor   2  Wreckers        Corral, Rafael      5  Boogaloo    
   Cirelli, Steven     2  Eastbound       Hansen, Michael     2  Awesome         Becker, Mark        5  Gilead      

           WALKS                    RUNS SCORED                   RBIS

   Mikorz, Becky      11  Wreckers        Ware, Brian        29  Dutty           Buhs, Travis       31  Dutty       
   Loraine, Adam       8  Zs Assoc.       Buhs, Travis       26  Dutty           Jauregi, Francisco 30  Dutty       
   Yu, Shawn           8  Wreckers        Zalbidea, Iker     26  Dutty           Minton, John       25  Screams     
   Bein, Matt          7  Been Had        Minton, John       25  Screams         Demetris, Brett    23  Dutty       
   Alexander, Nick     7  Eastbound       Barden, Kendall    23  Eastbound       Espinosa, Frank    20  Screams     
   Ware, Brian         6  Dutty           Littman, Marcus    22  Gilead          Jauregi, Fernando  20  Dutty       
   Salinas, Jeff       6  Been Had        Pon, Samantha      21  Eastbound       Daskam, Scott      19  Been Had    
   Stalteri, Lisa      6  Screams         Salinas, Jeff      21  Been Had        Drocha, Deanna     18  Been Had    
   Davis, Neelle       5  Eastbound       Jauregi, Francisco 20  Dutty           Uribe, Daniel      18  Gilead      
   Reedy, Tim          5  Eastbound       Daskam, Scott      19  Been Had        Appel, Dan         17  Screams     
   Guteirrez, Laurell  5  Screams         Reedy, Tim         19  Eastbound       Costa, Robert      17  Boogaloo    
   Ash, Mary Ellen     5  Gilead          Appel, Dan         19  Screams         Crawford, Craig    17  Screams     
   Lo, Alice           5  Awesome         Cirelli, Steven    19  Eastbound       Gorski, Michael    17  Danger Zone